About me: About Me: My name is Hak Chae-Yeong. I live with my mother and brother and we recently moved after my father's passing. We lost money and just couldn't keep up, even with my bother and I taking jobs when we could. I don't have many friends, the ones worth noting aren't ones I can bring up to my brother and my mother doesn't care to hear about. My father told me I was born with something special, something many people would be jealous of once they realized they didn't have it themselves. He told me this but all it has done is bring me trouble.
I would love to discuss story arcs and ideas. It is so much fun to meet a new friend. I look forward to our adventures very much. And I accepted your request on discord as well.
Did we ever talk ? No. Or we did and I have the astute memory of a goldfish and have forgotten so. If so. I apologize for that. We start fresh. Yes fresh. Like orange juice. Or jello. But that's besides the point. Hello again. I'm sunki Jun. Most call me potato. So either works. I look forward to us being friends. Yes friends forever. If you want to that is. Also. Here's that discord thing. I talk faster there Jun.Sunki#8554
Kon’nichi wa! watashi wa, Kiriko Takemura Desu!! I hope; we can get along and become very good friends. I love to write and come up with amazing story-lines too! Starters are my favorite so; if you have a hard time on writing one, let me know and I can send you one.
I also have discord if you wish to add me there. It’s
I’d like to be here more often. Also, another note. I’m mobile 24/7. However; that doesn’t mean my Stories well be short. I’ll be sure to make them creative and more than a one-liner.
. So, shall we be friends and get something going?
I'm very sorry for the late reply! Thank you for the interest in my character! I would love to write with you! Any theme is acceptable to me, as I'm not picky. So let's discuss! If you have a discord, feel free to add me! LilLix#2837 or we can discuss here!
I don't have a fancy intro that's all spiced up with all sorts of cute things as that's just not....me. That's not me. What I do have is my hand offered in friendship, ears to listen, lips to speak and a shoulder to lean on when needed. I try to be a good friend to everyone around me but I need the same in return. Friendship is hard work you know? It's not something that happens over night.
'Oh hello! I'm Kim Himchan and we're the best of friends!'
That's not how it works with me. I have been around long enough that I have learned and learned the hard way. My trust.....is something to be won over and not just handed out. My circle is small for this reason.
Do you think you can stick around long enough to learn me and allow me that precious time to warm up and let myself be comfortable? We will see in time.
For now I thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to me.
Where it goes from here is up to you.
Para-Novella writer/Anti-drama/No OOC. Reply in messages with a starter of your own or even discussion if you're into that sort of thi